
The real estate search engine for Switzerland.

ImmoMapper is a search engine for real estate property for rent and for sale in Switzerland. It continuously scans the internet to find apartments, condos, houses, and sublets listed for rent or for sale.

One big map

In real estate it's all about location as they say. Hence on ImmoMapper the map is front and center. See thousands of homes on a big map. Fast and without awkward clustering.

Search alerts

Get ahead by subscribing to email alerts to get notified immediately when ImmoMapper finds a new listing that matches your search.

What's the neighborhood like?

ImmoMapper integrates location data from a number of sources to give you insight into the neighborhood and show you where places of interest are located such as public transit stops or supermarkets.

Comprehensive price comparison

ImmoMapper shows you a histogram of how the listing price compares to similar properties in the vicinity, the municipality, the canton, or the whole country.

Travel times, traffic noise, and more

Swisstopo is Switzerland's national mapping agency and they produce a number of excellent data layers. Some are of great interest to renters and home buyers and are integrated directly into ImmoMapper such as

  • Travel Times: How accessible is the home from major urban centers?
  • Traffic Noise: How noisy is the location?

Local real estate market analysis

For hundreds of cities and communities, ImmoMapper has enough data to carry out real estate price analyses to help you find out how expensive certain locations are and how prices have changed in the past.

Examples: Zürich, Genève, Basel, Lausanne, Bern, Winterthur, Luzern, St. Gallen

Price comparison map

Property prices and rents vary considerably across Switzerland. There are expensive regions like Zurich and Geneva but there are also more affordable areas outside of the large centers.

The price comparison map gives you a quick overview on real estate prices from the district level down to the postal code.

Examples: Zürich, Genève, Basel, Lausanne, Bern, Winterthur, Luzern, St. Gallen

Rental trends

Every month, ImmoMapper analyzes hundreds of thousands of real estate listings. From this data, it distills a lot of insight into the Swiss real estate market and current pricing trends.

With Rental Trends you can check out how rent prices are changing for hundreds of cities and communities, often depending of the home size (e.g. for 1-room, 2-rooms etc homes).

Examples: Zürich, Genève, Basel, Lausanne, Bern, Winterthur, Luzern, St. Gallen

More features

Duplicate detection

Frequently, homes are listed on multiple websites which makes your search cumbersome.

ImmoMapper detects and consolidates these duplicate listings for you.

Fast filters

ImmoMapper is optimized for speed: You can filter by a number of attributes like location, size, or price. Instantaneously.


Narrow your search by saving your favorite objects.

Rent history

For selected listings, ImmoMapper tracks the advertised rental price so you see if the landlord adjusts the offered price up or down.

Google Street View

Look around the neighborhood!

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