CHF 2,100 /mo 4.5 rooms140 m²

4912 Aarwangen BE

Apartment for rent

Key data

Type of object


Number of rooms



CHF 2,100

Living space

140 m²

Rent per m²

CHF 15.00

Found by ImmoMapper


ImmoMapper details

Found by ImmoMapper


On ImmoMapper

15 days



«Exklusive Wohnung mit vielen Extras»

Wir vermieten per 01.05.2024 oder nach Vereinbarung eine aussergewöhnliche, exklusive 4.5-Zi-Eigentumswohnung mit grossem, gedeckten Balkon. Der grosszügige Wohnbereich mit offener Küche und Kochinsel präsentiert sich hell und freundlich. Die Raumaufteilung ist grosszügig und ansprechend. Die Wohnung befindet sich in einem ruhigen Wohnquartier, angrenzend zum Naherholungsgebiet.

Die Wohnung hat einen hochwertigen Ausbau mit vielen Annehmlichkeiten, die das Leben bereichern. Sie befindet sich in einem neuwertigen Zustand. Die wichtigsten Highlights in Kürze:


[shortened, read more in the original ad]

  Original ads

For contact details or to apply for this home please go directly to one of the original listings:

  Location and vicinity
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Public transit stops, supermarkets, and restaurants within 500m

  Real estate market trends

ImmoMapper tracks millions of real estate listings from all over Switzerland and calculates statistics for a comprehensive overview of real estate market trends.

Real estate market trends for Aarwangen


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  Price comparison

How expensive is this home compared to similar homes in the vicinity, municipality, canton or in the whole of Switzerland?

Comparable homes of the past 24 months
Apartment, 4-4.5 rooms

This object CHF 2,100
median of 72 homes
CHF 1,488
Canton Bern
median of 11,337 homes
CHF 1,800
median of 68,977 homes
CHF 1,925

The median price (or midpoint) is the value that separates all homes in two equally sized groups: the first half (colored green above) has a lower price and the second half (colored orange) has a higher price. The median price is more robust and not skewed so much by outliers compared to the average price.

Vicinity is an area with a radius of about 500m that encompasses this home.

These calculations are based on offered rents and sales prices of homes that have been advertised in the past 24 months. Histogram and median analyses are shown only if there are at least 25 comparable objects.

  Location: Accessibility of restaurants
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The map shows the accessibility of restaurants calculated from the road distance between the home and the next restaurant. Source: Federal Statistical Office,


  Location: Traffic noise
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The map shows the road and rail traffic noise to which the population is exposed during daytime or nighttime. Source: Federal Office for the Environment FOEN,


  Location: Travel times
Show legend

The indicator "travelling time to centres" describes the time taken to travel from a municipality to the next centre using public transport or car: very accessible = green, less accessible = red.

"Travelling time to centres" is a measure of the accessibility of centres using transport and a means of visualising the disparities between all Swiss municipalities. For a municipality in the countryside, this may be the travelling time to the nearest isolated city, to the centre of the nearest small, medium-sized or large agglomeration or also to one of the nearest major cities: Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lugarno or Zurich. Source: Federal Office for Spatial Development,


  Climate: Sunshine duration
Show legend

The hours of sunshine at a location are registered by a measuring device. The relative duration of sunshine describes the ratio of actually registered hours of sunshine relative to the absolute possible duration of sunshine from sunrise to sunset at a location. It is expressed in percent: lots of sunshine = red, less sunshine = yellow.

Spatial analysis of monthly and yearly averages of relative sunshine duration over the norm period 1981-2010. Source: Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss,

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  Location: more details

Swisstopo has even more information such as bike paths, mobility locations, aviation noise, or mobile phone antenna locations. Go to Swisstopo map

  Location: Google Street View
For rent is an apartment with 140 m² priced at CHF 2,100 per month (CHF 15.00 per m²). The apartment has 4.5 rooms and is located in 4912 Aarwangen in canton of Bern. This home has been posted on urbanhome. 2024-04-10T11:42:56Z .

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